The easiest way to support Horncastle Theatre Company is, of course, to come and be in the audience of our many and varied productions, and if you think we put on a good performance, to tell your friends about us!
However, we’re always looking for front of house volunteers, as well as new members to tread the boards and help out back stage, or take on one of the hundred and one jobs that go to making a successful and vibrant theatre.

Don’t fancy acting and can’t help back stage? We are constantly in need of volunteers to join our Front of House team, to sell tickets, ice creams and programmes, empty bins, and top up the loo roll. You can do this without becoming a full member.
Get in touch with us if you’d like to know more.

Set design, construction and painting
With six or more productions a year and many other events at the Lion Theatre, we’re constantly building and dismantling sets, each one a work of art in itself. Let us know if you have a special skill – joinery, or scenery painting, perhaps – or are just very strong and can carry things about for us.
We’re also very interested in anyone who would like to join our technical team and learn the ropes on light or sound.

Acting, singing and dancing
Auditions at the Theatre are open to anyone, and we never discount anyone based on experience. Some of our best actors had never set foot on stage or learned a script before joining the company. Check out our calendar of events and look out for any auditions coming up.
You’re welcome to attend playreadings and auditions without joining the Company.